The programs begin on SATURDAY DECEMBER 3rd at Ottawa University's LEES DOME.
The sessions will be on the indoor turf field at the University of Ottawa Lees Dome on the Lees Campus of Ottawa U.
The entrance to the Lees Campus is directly opposite the LEES O-train Station on Lees Avenue. Once you turn onto the campus, follow the road. The parking is on the left and the dome is slightly further on on the same road - you can't miss it!
Note: The University of Ottawa has two campuses and two turf fields. Make sure you are heading for the Lees Dome or GeeGees Field on the LEES Campus, not Matt Anthony Field on the MAIN Campus.
Parking Lot G3 is where you should park and is on your left just after you enter campus. That is the parking for the dome and the dome itself is straight ahead on the same road. Parking passes will be handed out to you on the first day. We will have them just inside the doors at the dome.
A parent must be on the field with their kids at all times for the Wee Copas program.
Unlike last year, there are no current restrictions on spectating inside the dome. Parents are welcome to watch from the sidelines. Masks are not currently mandated within the dome.
If you already have your uniform from one of our earlier sessions, you are good to go.
If this is your first time in the program and you have purchased a uniform, the uniform consists of shirt, shorts and socks and you will be able to try the sizes against your child to get the best fit. We have a wide range of sizes available.
Uniform Pickup: You can pick up your uniform at the field any time from 30 minutes before your first session. You will be able to try the sizes against your little one to make sure you get the right size.
You should purchase shin-guards for your little ones if they don't have them already.
If they already have soccer cleats, or you want to purchase them, great. However, if they don't have them, they will be absolutely fine with their regular running shoes or tennis shoes too.
Other than that, all they need are the basic things you would need for any program: a water bottle (prefilled), sweater if you think they will be cold etc